There has been great interest and participation from both members and pipers and drummers from outside the PPBSO in our 2021 online concert series! Our next games day is Kincardine on July 10. Results will be announced at 6:00 pm EDT on the PPBSO’s Facebook page with Big Kris Bawden, Chair of the PPBSO’s Communications Committee setting the stage.

We have recently had an uptick in video submissions marked “private”. These videos cannot be viewed by anyone but the video owner. Please be sure to follow the directions provided on our 2021 contest series page:
“All competitors are required to upload their video to YouTube. Videos do not have to be public, but must be either public or unlisted (see here for more information on how to set your privacy settings). By selecting unlisted, you will still be able to share your video with the PPBSO (and the judge) without it being publicly available.”
Thanks and good luck to all competitors!