Like many organizations the world over The Pipers' & Pipe Band Society of Ontario relies on its web presence to mark its virtual place in the world. It's where members come for information that is important to their piping and drumming activity and where enthusiasts can come to find out more about our music. With no physical office, no front door to step through, our website is a seriously important part of our organization.
Updating the website is not an overly hard job. But it does take a little time now and then. It makes sense that rather than have a couple of pairs of already-busy hands keep the site going the PPBSO look for people - or a person - solely dedicated to its upkeep.
In the past the PPBSO has had the good fortune to engage high school students who are on the track of completing their required Ontario volunteer community hours. This web management opportunity might be just the thing for a student looking to volunteer - and - in so doing, add a few important lines to a young work resume. Or, failing that, anyone with an interest to help us. We need it.
The PPBSO's site resides on the platform and is user-friendly. No hard development skills are required (but a bonus). Updating and publishing news articles - like this one - is pretty intuitive. Look! I'm doing it! :-)
If you are interested - or - know someone who is interested to help us out, please drop me a line.
Thank you,
May the 4th be with you (random fact: I have never seen any of The Star Wars movies)
Michael Grey
President, PPBSO