Building on an initiative trialed a number of years ago by stalwart PPBSO members, Ellen Mole and Julie Stewart, the Education Committee of The Pipers’ & Pipe Band Society of Ontario have planned for a hands-on way for the non-piping and drumming public to get a real feel for the excellence of our art form. This season, in conjunction with a number of our Highland Games partners, the PPBSO is sponsoring a tented area at select games where we will offer those interested the opportunity to have a close-up look at the pipes and its varied associated percussion instruments.

“This is a real grass-roots outreach initiative,” said Malcolm Bow, chair of the PPBSO’s Education Committee, “we know there is genuine interest in our music from those from all walks of life and yet many have no way of knowing how to get involved; this will allow people to easily have a look at a practice chanter, the big pipe, drums and maybe even have a chance to try on a kilt. We think we’re bound to set people in the right direction to take up the instruments we so passionately love and promote.”
The Education Committee will be providing an easily scanned QR code to all dropping by the tent, one that will lead them to an online PPBSO page offering many potential learning connections. In addition, the PPBSO has engaged local pipers and drummers connected with the geographic area of each games to lead the promotion of the pipes and drums at each “Come and Try” venue.
“I am really excited at the prospects to develop new pipers and drummers that our “Come and Tries” potentially offers and to fire-up the interest of people from any background; we welcome everyone with open arms,” added Bow.
The PPBSO is currently looking to create a store of instruments for new learners - especially new learners who may not have the means to procure new instruments. If you have a practice chanter, drum pad and sticks, bagpipe or drum in your possession - and not currently used - and would like to donate it to the PPBSO Education Committee and their learning outreach, please drop a line to our Administrator at this email.
The games currently set for PPBSO “Come and Tries”:
Jun 10 - Georgetown Highland Games
Jun 24 - Kingsville Highland Games
Jul 15 - Cambridge Highland Games
Aug 05 - Glengarry Highland Games (Maxville)
Aug 12 - Fergus Scottish Festival
To everyone: consider dropping by a “Come and Try” tent and lend a word of encouragement to those curious and interested in the pipes and drums!