Welcome to The Pipers’ & Pipe Band Society of Ontario’s newest addition to our communication kit bag: the newsletter, By the Right / Par la droite. The PPBSO communications team, led by Kris Bawden, has been firing on all cylinders in using social media and the ppbso.org website to connect with members. In addition to these channels, we know our members also value email as a way to receive information.
By the Right / Par la droite will be distributed every two months or so – and on occasion more frequently as needed. Our aim is to have our members fully informed in a timely way of PPBSO information they need to know. It will be distributed to members and anyone else interested in PPBSO news. If you have not yet received our “Issue 1 – Volume 1” you can download it here.

The banner of our brand new newsletter!
You may wonder as to the bilingual titling of our newsletter. In order to continue to grow and thrive in the 21st century we know the Society needs to evolve to become an organization that is seen to actively welcome all enthusiasts of the music of the pipes and drums. A small signal in this direction is the adoption of both official languages of Canada in our newsletter banner. We are working now to find ways to reach out and introduce the music of the pipes and drums to communities not traditionally associated with the music.
You will be interested (if not happy) to know that we are in the development stage of a new ppbso.org website. The current site is in its fifteenth year, virtually unchanged from its original form of 2007. In technology terms you may know fifteen years is positively antique, if not a little creaky. Stay tuned to ppbso.org over the coming months for a fresh, new look to our virtual front door to the world.
My thanks to Rob McGregor for his work in leading the newsletter project and to Karine Mayers and Jaymee McCarthy for their usual excellent assistance in support.
We hope you enjoy the first issue of By the Right / Par la droite. Feedback is always welcome via this email address.
Michael Grey, President, The Pipers’ & Pipe Band Society of Ontario