The Pipers’ and Pipe Band Society of Ontario will be holding its annual judge’s seminar on Saturday April 2nd, 2016 in Milton, ON.
This year, the focus of the seminar will be on pipe band adjudication. Throughout the seminar, participants will be provided an opportunity to formalize the process that they use to evaluate a pipe band contest, and discuss and engage with other adjudicators as to the process that they use – first as a piping or drumming judge and then from an ensemble perspective. We hope that all of our adjudicators will take advantage of this opportunity to participate in the discussion and evaluation of performances from an ensemble perspective, even if they’re not ensemble certified adjudicators. This session is open to all of those who are ensemble certified, thinking about a future ensemble certification, or simply interested in developing a better understanding of evaluating performances from an ensemble perspective.
Additionally, this year members of the BC Pipers’ Association’s adjudication panel will be participating in the seminar. The PPBSO is working closely with the BCPA to provide this opportunity. By working with the BCPA, the PPBSO will gain valuable experience and insight into the challenges and benefits such remote participation can bring. The lessons learned though this offering will allow the PPBSO to determine if it is feasible to expand such an opportunity to our own membership, and the best way and costs involved in doing so.
For those adjudicators who have not yet registered for the seminar, there is still time to do so. Please contact Sharon Duthart at to register.