After a four-year hiatus, The PPBSO’s Toronto Branch is bringing back their popular "Toronto Indoor Games”. The Moss Park Armoury just approved the event (and unfortunately the Toronto branch’s website has been compromised) - so it's been a wee bit of a scramble. Apologies in advance for any confusion.
Here’s what you need to know:
Date: March 30th, 2024
Location: Moss Park Armoury, 130 Queen St E, Toronto, M5A 1R9
Registration Process:
Download and complete the Entry Form, save the changes, and email it to ppbsotorontobranch@gmail.com (address in form).
Payment can be sent via e-transfer to the same e-mail address, and will be deposited directly into the account.
Ensure that the full name of the competitor is in the e-transfer information.
Registration will be confirmed once payment is received.
Note: The PPBSO’s inaugural "Drummers Summit" will also be held at the Toronto Indoors. Check the programme, when you arrive, for time and location at the Armoury.
Thank you for your support of The PPBSO's Toronto branch and we hope to see many familiar faces (and some new ones) at this year's long-awaited "Toronto Indoors".
Note: Moss Park Armoury is a Canadian Forces facility located at 130 Queen Street East in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is at the northeast corner of Jarvis Street and Queen Street East, in the neighbourhood of Moss Park. Parking available.