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Opportunity Knocks! Calling Highland Games Stewards!

The Pipers’ & Pipe Band Society of Ontario is currently in planning mode for the coming 2023 season of exciting Highland games. Most know that among the many roles that are vital to the smooth running of the competitions administered by the PPBSO is that of contest steward.

In advance of the season we’re looking to fire-up our stewarding capacity and, in doing so, we are looking to create a PPBSO stewarding centre of excellence.

While it's clear the piping or drumming judge assesses a solo competitive event, it's the PPBSO steward who has discretion when it comes to enforcing the rules for any solo contest (see rule B-1.4). Our stewards are our solo contest managers and key to the success of any PPBSO-administered Highland games.

We know, of course, there are friends and family members who regularly attend a Highland games in support of an enthusiastic piper or drummer. And for regular game-attenders, stepping up to take on a PPBSO steward role might be just the thing to add some interest and fun to the day.

Each steward receives an honourarium, a complimentary pass for entrance to the games and has a front row seat to the day’s musical events. We look for stewards be on the field at 8:00 am and be prepared to administer competitions to mid-day.

What’s expected?

  • Be the central point for competitor “check-in”

  • Ensure competitors are aware of their playing order

  • Ensure competitors are aware of any unplanned changes to playing order

  • Facilitate changes in playing order due to individual timing conflicts (e.g. a competitor may be required to accompany a solo drumming competitor at the same time as their scheduled piping event)

  • Be a steadying presence for competitors!

Highland dress is entirely optional for the steward role!

If you are interested (or know someone who might be interested!) please drop an email to Sharon Duthart, PPBSO Administrator.

We plan a virtual all-stewards meet-up in late spring. And rest assured, we will ensure each steward is set-up for success - and, so, a fun, satisfying cultural experience!


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