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[ MILTON, ONTARIO ] The Pipers and Pipe Band Society of Ontario (PPBSO) is excited to announce its 2024 Ontario Highland Games circuit will feature nine (9) unique events and locations across the Province including the prestigious North American, Canadian, and Ontario Pipe Band Championships amongst others.

The Highland Games are a fun, family-friendly summer ritual for people of all backgrounds to celebrate the outdoors. While centred on competitions in piping and drumming, highland dancing, and Scottish heavy athletics, the games also include concerts, live entertainment, foods, unique merchandise, clan meetings, and exhibits related to other aspects of Scottish, Gaelic, and Celtic cultures. 

This year’s PPBSO Highland Games include:

Each event is unique and has its own special flavour. What can we guarantee? Kilts will be worn, cabers will be tossed, and the skirl of pipes and drums will fill the air. The competitive element is a major attraction in its own right (and where else can you get a slice of Haggis in the middle of the summer?)

A Guinness World Record will also be attempted in 2024 at the Glengarry Highland Games (August 2-3rd) for the largest number of musicians simultaneously performing a pipe band drum fanfare. Mark your calendars and join us for all of the fun!

For more information on individual events please visit the event webpage or social media (listed above.) For more information on the Pipers’ and Pipe Band Society of Ontario (PPBSO) please visit or find us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and “X”. 


The Pipers and Pipe Band Society of Ontario (PPBSO) is a volunteer-driven, non profit organisation based in Milton, Ontario, Canada. The PPBSO is the governing body of traditional Highland Games in Ontario, Canada. Established in 1947, the Society is dedicated to the promotion, development, and preservation of Highland Bagpiper, Scottish Drummers, and Pipe Bands in the Province of Ontario. 

The Pipers and Pipe Band Society of Ontario (PPBSO) provides mentorship programs, seminars, and educational opportunities to enhance the musical proficiency of pipers and drummers in the Province. 

Membership is open to all and events are held several times throughout the year including The George Sherriff Invitational, The Agnew-Harrison Invitational, The Livingstone Invitational solo events for pipers and drummers, and The Glengarry Cup Invitational respectively. More -

2024 PPBSO Highland Games

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