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<em>Let’s Try the Bagpipes!</em>

Let’s Try the Bagpipes! is a pilot project of the PPBSO at the Georgetown Highland Games and the Fergus Scottish Festival in 2017.

The idea is to stimulate curiosity and spark a desire to learn by allowing members of the public to handle instruments, try them out and get all their questions answered. We will have a booth in the vendors area displaying practice chanters, various types of bagpipes, reeds, music and assorted gear.

Keen potential pipers will be able to sign up for a one-hour group lesson where they’ll learn the scale and hopefully the first line of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. We’ll also be handing out a card directing potential pipers to our newly reinstated piping teacher database, so that they can find a teacher in their own local area.

Our booth will be open from 10:00 to 4:00. We welcome knowledgeable pipers as Bagpipe Ambassadors! If you are interested in volunteering for an hour or two, please email Julie Stewart at

If successful, we hope to expand our presence at a larger number of future Highland Games. Come help us find the next generation of pipers!


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