The PPBSO is pleased to present the biographies of some of our Champion Supreme winners for 2013. These dedicated individuals have worked hard to elevate their skills and progress in the art.
Mark Glassford – Novice Bass Drumming Malcolm Hill – Grade 2 Snare Drumming Sarah Raymond – Amateur Tenor Drumming Shanyn Young Millage – Novice Tenor Drumming
Mark Glassford – Novice Bass Drumming

It all started with our oldest Daughter getting married at Kicking Horse Resort in British Columbia 2008 and he purchased his Scottish kilt Tartan for Glassford. I tried to hire a Piper in BC with no success. In 2010 I managed to find a Piper for our youngest Daughters Wedding as a surprise to both of them for their Scottish Heritage.
That’s when my husband became interested in Bass Drumming, the Piper was Jim Stuart from Fergus Pipe Band. Jim asked If he would be interested in trying the Bass Drum, he said that If he was no good at it then just let him know. Thanks to him for giving Mark the chance to play the Bass Drum.Whenever he plays he gives 100% of his time to the band, to entertain the old and the young. He devotes his time on Remembrance Day every year and plays in the Sun down Service in Orangeville. He moved on to Grand Celtic pipe Band in 2012, only missing one Scottish Festival that was when our other daughter got married, joining Calum MacDonald as pipe major, he won his first Grade 5 Champion Supreme for 2012.
That first year he tried two Solo’s and won them the next year he went into Novice Bass solo’s for 2013 and I was so pleased that he won Champion Supreme for his Solo category . He wanted to win and he was determined to win the whole year of the Scottish Festival Novice Solo competitions in North America, this is a passion for him and he is very proud of his Heritage and wants to continue the tradition for his Family. His other Loves are the Chicago Blackhawks and taking me for cruises in our Shelby Mustang. Now he has three Grandchildren, Aiden, Maddie and Avery that he spends a lot of time with them.
Congratulations on a great year Love your wife Gert.
Malcolm Hill – Grade 2 Snare Drumming
Malcolm began pipe band drumming at the age of about 6 years old. He was a quick study and within a year or so was ready to join the Grade 5 Windsor Police Pipe Band. The band won Champion Supreme that year and Malcolm never looked back.
He moved on a few years later and joined the 400 Squadron Pipe Band competing in Grade 3 and 2. His drumming influences have been varied, starting with his father and attending workshops conducted by John Fisher, Drew Duthart and Jim Kilpatrick. Malcolm has also had the pleasure of playing under Dan Bist and Mark Passmore.
Winning Grade 2 solos has been a real honour and he looks forward to Grade 1 solos and hopefully joining the ranks of a Grade 1 band before his 17th birthday.
Sarah Raymond – Amateur Tenor Drumming
My name is Sarah Raymond, I am nineteen years old. I play both tenor (5 years/only 1 year of competition) and snare (7 years) with Paris Port Dover Pipe Band, and the Royal Highland Fusiliers of Canada Pipes and Drums. I’ve been playing snare since I was 12 and tenor since I was 14. I’ve never competed playing tenor until this past year, and never competed in tenor solos before either. I have taught tenor to 2659 army cadets in Brantford for the past two years.
My interest in pipe bands started when I joined cadets back in 2006. I joined the band as a snare drummer, and picking up tenor a few years later while I was at camp. I joined PPDPB in 2007, where I had instruction from Hugh Cameron, Doug Stronach and Kate Dudek. I joined RHFCPB in 2010 as a snare drummer, and now I am playing tenor for both bands. I still play snare for both on occasion. I’m very fortunate to play for two great bands, and to have met many friends from different bands throughout the years.
Shanyn Young Millage – Novice Rhythm Tenor Drumming
Kirkhill, Ontario in Glengarry County, Canada
Twelve year old, Shanyn Young (Millage), daughter of Tracy Young, from Kirk Hill, Ontario in Glengarry County attends Grade 7 at Glengarry District High School in Alexandria, Ontario.
She began playing Tenor Drum three years ago, and is the youngest member of the Grade 4 Glengarry Pipe Band. She entered her first solo tenor drumming competition at the 2012 Toronto Indoor Games, and continued to excel throughout the season to be awarded both titles as the 2012 Eastern Ontario Champion Supreme in Rhythm Tenor Drumming and in Flourishing Tenor Drumming last year.
Shanyn has also played the fiddle since she was five years old and is a member of the Junior MacLeod Fiddlers who perform in various community venues, at the Glengarry Highland Games Youth Fiddle Ceilidh each year and performs with her mother, and her sister and brother who have fiddled in tours to USA, and Cape Breton. She is presently learning the clarinet.
Shanyn’s dream of travelling to Scotland and competing at a World’s Pipe Band Championship came true this summer when the Grade 4A Glengarry Pipe Band, competed on Saturday August 17th, 2013. It was a proud day for Glengarry and all its supporters as they represented their county, province and country well! Announced as the World ‘s 6th place winner of the Vancouver Ladies Trophy, the band and spectators erupted in cheers as no doubt, few other band in the history of the Worlds made as much noise as Glengarry and its supporters!
Shanyn plans to continue to use her judges’ comments to improve, and to not notice who is watching or competing against her. Some day after more hard work, she hopes to be the “Best Tenor Drummer in the World”!
Shanyn thanks, “everyone who encouraged me: teachers, Shelby MacCrimmon-Bush and Jim Bush; Ross Davison, my brother Taylor, and Matthew Houlzet who accompanied me in competitions, my band family and friends, my sister Lynsey, Grandpa Young and to Mom, for giving me these opportunities, love and encouragement to soar!”
Gavin Mackay – Grade 3 Light Music/Junior Amateur Piobaireachd

My name is Gavin Mackay, I live in Kitchener, ON, I am 12 years old and I am a grade seven student at Queensmount Public School. I have been playing the bagpipes for 2 and a half years. I started playing at the encouragement of my family who are involved in piping and drumming. I really enjoy competing in solo piping at the highland games, and getting to play and compete with the Paris Port Dover grade three Pipe Band with my Dad.
I have been very fortunate to have learned from two excellent piping instructors, Gail Brown of Milton, ON and Ed Neigh of Waterloo, ON. This year I won Champion Supreme in Solo’s for Junior Amateur Piobaireachd and Grade 4 Light Music. I hope to continue getting better, and look forward to the new challenges next year will bring.
When I am not piping I enjoy playing video games and sports with my friends.
Kavan Johnstone Schulz – Grade 5 Snare Drumming

In 2009 I took my 10 year old son, Kavan, with me to pipe band practice. I thought it would be great to have another piper in the family. I had purchased Kavan a child’s chanter, and I think Kavan sat through two chanter lessons before heading over to the drum corps.
Kavan has played with Barrie Pipes & Drums for the past four years, and he is working hard to make a spot with the Toronto Police Grade 3 band this coming season. Kavan has enjoyed instruction from Dan Bist, Dan Funchion and Doug Stronach.
When Kavan is not drumming, he is a Grade 9 student at Patrick Forgarty Secondary School in Orillia. Kavan is also a Flight Cpl. with the 99 Lynx Air Cadet Squadron based in Orillia.
Kavan is looking forward to his Grade 4 solo season and to traveling to all the competitions.
Drew Ellis – Amateur Bass Drumming
Drew has played with the York Regional Police Pipes & Drums for the last 25 years, having been one of the earliest volunteer members with the organization. He grew up around pipe bands as an army cadet and snare drummer with the Royal Military College Pipe band, and it wasn’t long after graduating university that he found his way to YRP. One day, after 10 years as a snare drummer and countless parades, concerts, and journeys far and wide, the band’s bass player departed and Drew took up the bass for the first time. He’s played the bass ever since, and has discovered his true passion as the heartbeat of the band’s midsection. In the past 5 years, as the band moved into competition in Grade 4, Drew focused on developing as a competitive player and Amateur Soloist. Drew’s fondest memories of pipe band life over the years have been: performing in Beijing China and on the Great Wall at Badaling; concerts for the fallen of 911 and New York City’s St. Patrick’s Day parade; sharing concerts with band friends in Switzerland; discovering kindred musical spirits in Austrian police and civilian groups; performing for Prince Albert alongside his personal guard’s band on Monaco’s National Day celebrations; and playing all the highland games and gigs around the world. He has been especially proud to support the York Regional Police over the years promoting community policing and bridging cultural gaps through the international language of music. “Band has been like a second family to me and I have been blessed to playing alongside many amazing friends and musicians over the years. I’m looking forward to growing musically and helping to inspire others to do the same. See you at the games this year! – Drew”