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Grade 4 Band Gap Analysis and Requirements Review

The Pipers’ and Pipe Band Society of Ontario periodically reviews its requirements and grading structure to ensure that our members and bands are placed in the correct competitive grade based on both local and global standards. Over the past couple of years, a noticeable trend of bands vacating grade 4 has occurred. The PPBSO has decided to perform an analysis of this trend to discover what (if any) adjustments need to be made to the grading structure and/or the requirements for the grade in order to promote the growth of the grade.

To that end, over the next couple of weeks the PPBSO will be sending out an electronic questionnaire to bands in grades 4 and 5, as well as other interested parties. The results of this questionnaire will be considered along with other factors by the Music Committee and the Executive to determine which steps to take next (if any) regarding the relatively small number of bands in the grade. Any recommended changes will be considered by the Board of Directors in September in advance of the 2017 season.

As always, we are keenly interested in hearing from our members. While decisions such as grading requirements must be made based upon a number of factors, membership input is a significant factor in those decisions. We look forward to hearing from our bands and our members on this important issue.


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